The weather improves, all national roads passable


The weather improves, all national roads passable

Rea Kupe/Bukuritë e Sofrës Maliqare ..
Bursa dhe këmbimi valutor, 4 korrik 2024
Kampi famëkeq i Vloçishtit

The situation created over the weekend by the stormy and snowy weather is getting better. In a post on social networks, the Albanian Road Authority, ARRSH, says that the rains have stopped throughout the country and the circulation of vehicles is now carried out without problems on all national road axes.

Due to the low temperatures, during the night the authorities distributed salt to avoid frost on the roads.

“The rains have stopped in the whole country. During the night, we worked with the distribution of salt to avoid frost, since the temperatures were low. Circulation is carried out without problems on all national axes”, announces ARRSH.