“I repeated Roza’s words”/ Klodian Duro explains the irony in BBV and addresses his ex-wife: I have pain…


“I repeated Roza’s words”/ Klodian Duro explains the irony in BBV and addresses his ex-wife: I have pain…

Korçë/Zbulohet një magazinë ku thaheshin bimë narkotike dhe përgatitej lëndë narkotike për t’u shitur.
Ishte shpallur në kërkim, ndalohet në hyrje të Republikës së Shqipërisë një shtetas
Romina Xhaferi/Një vajzë për tu marrë shembull

Klodian Duro, invited this morning to “Wake Up”, explained the irony, as he calls it, used in the “Big Brother VIP” house.

The ex-footballer targeted Roza Latin, who, according to him, has repeatedly mentioned the trial against him for harassment at home.

“That was also the irony. Once again, I apologize to everyone, because no matter how little, there can be no irony with violence. I have repeated the words of Roza. Since the residents saw my clip, she said that the one who beat the woman is coming in. This was too much, other residents told me. It’s hard to hear it from a resident there. Meriton knew everything, all the residents knew who the resident is who spoke against Claude. They watched that I ignored at every moment”.
From the “Wake Up” studio, Duro addressed his ex-wife and daughter:

“I was in a lot of pain after the divorce with my ex-wife, but I value her to the maximum, she is the mother of my daughter. I have the utmost respect for him, he has done everything for our daughter. She knows very well that daddy loves her very much, it’s the only love we talk about today. I tell my ex-wife that I will always be by her side for whatever she and her daughter need.”

The ex-footballer of the national team rejected the suspicions that he has used violence against his ex-wife. Everything is untrue, he said.

“This was one of the reasons for my entry, I entered so that everyone could see who Claudio really is. Everyone would know me and my daughter would be proud of me.”