Germany approves passport law and German dual citizenship


Germany approves passport law and German dual citizenship

Korçë/Një 33-Vjeçar kishte blerë produkte me lekë fallco
Procedohet një 29-vjeçar, ka kaluar kufirin tokësor në mënyrë të paligjshme. 
Historia e banorëve që erdhën në Korçë më 1860.

Germany has approved the law that makes it easier for citizens to obtain a German passport and dual citizenship, reports CNA, a law that benefits tens of thousands of Albanian immigrants.
The deputies of the Budenstag have voted in favor of changing the law that will pave the way for the possibility of dual citizenship.
With 382 votes in favor, 234 against and 23 abstentions, the law was approved in the German parliament.
The move is designed to ease labor shortages by making the country more attractive to migrant workers, DW reports.
The law states that people who have been resident in Germany for five years will be entitled to a German passport. They will also be able to keep their citizenship, Reuters reported.
Otherwise, in cases where citizens show high achievements in their work and speak C1 level of German, they will have the right to apply for citizenship after three years./CNA