They stole 10,000 Euros from the business where they worked, the police found the two arrested and…


They stole 10,000 Euros from the business where they worked, the police found the two arrested and…

Përplasje fizike mes Princ Lekës dhe Elia Zaharisë pas ndarjes! Si mori fund martesa e tyre, nga romanca e re e 42-vjeçarit, tek dhuna në familje
Rogëcët e Pojanit: Një Pasuri e Trashëgimisë Kulturore dhe Historike
Tentoi të vriste me thikë 24-vjeçarin, vihet në pranga 40-vjeçari

Two people have been handcuffed in Tirana. It is known that they have stolen 10 thousand euros in different periods of time from the entity where they worked in the “Ali Demi” neighborhood.

“As a result, citizens G. K., 34 years old, and T. C., 49 years old, both residents of Tirana, were arrested. From the investigative actions carried out, it has resulted that these citizens, in different periods of time, have stolen the amount of 10,000 euros, from an entity where they were employed, in the “Ali Demi” neighborhood”, the police announced.

Among other things, it turned out that these two people were practicing the illegal activity of organizing illegal lotteries (sports betting) through their mobile phones.