February starts with sunshine and high temperatures, find out what the weather will be like this week


February starts with sunshine and high temperatures, find out what the weather will be like this week

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January will end with sunshine and low temperatures, while February will start warmer and clear, at least until the 10th of next month.

This was the weather forecast for the week by forecaster Lajda Porja from “MeteoAlb” in a direct link to Klan News. It is expected that from Thursday, temperatures will increase and go up to 17 degrees Celsius.

Lajda Porja: The sun will be present, long intervals of clearing, it is predicted that this week will be under the influence of stable air masses. There are no signs of precipitation in the territory. Until Wednesday, the first part of this week, although it will be clear and sunny, the mornings will remain relatively cool. Today, the lowest temperature is recorded, -5 in Erseka, -4 in the district of Dibra, while the coast and low areas fluctuate from 2 to 7 degrees. The maximums in the mountainous areas are no more than 7 or 8 degrees, while it is predicted that the temperature will be 14 degrees on the coast. It is predicted that until Wednesday, the fluctuation of temperatures will not be very significant. It remains a cold morning, the afternoon will be sunny, the clouds will be mostly in the second part of the day and not problematic at all.

The thermal situation will change in the second part of the week, starting from Thursday, Friday, including the weekend, we will have enough sun, but we will also have an increase in temperatures in the morning values, causing that even the mountainous areas, only certain areas will be minus 1, while we expect temperatures up to 17 degrees. I can say that the month of February starts warm, with relatively high temperatures and no rain. As of February 10, there are no signs of rain. The weather will be clear, the sun will be present throughout the territory.