Municipal Police in Tirana measures for abusive parking in the capital: Blocking the vehicle if you do not pay the obligations


Municipal Police in Tirana measures for abusive parking in the capital: Blocking the vehicle if you do not pay the obligations

Devoll/23-vjeçari dënohet për veprën penale “Marrëdhënie seksuale ose homoseksuale me persona të pazotë për t’u mbrojtur”. 
Vëllai i Jul Dedës akuzon produksionin për mashtrim, nxjerr FOTO të tjera të Eglës në makinë jashtë shtëpisë
Korçë/ 31-Vjeçari vjedh një sasi lekësh

The Municipal Police in Tirana has followed the action of punishing the drivers of vehicles in the capital who park contrary to the signage, on sidewalks or in places reserved for the disabled.

The Municipal Police Services have intensified their work not only in the direction of taking measures to prevent and punish abusive parking of vehicles in the city, but also in the direction of collecting outstanding administrative measures from the violators.

The Municipal Police requests the cooperation of vehicle drivers, to park in designated parking spaces, without becoming an obstacle to the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians, or spaces and other activities.

She asks the offending drivers to pay the obligations for the administrative measures within the legal deadlines, as otherwise the Municipal Police services will use all the coercive means at their disposal, up to the removal of the vehicles of the offenders with a lifting device, to blocking points.

The Municipal Police has also contributed to the observance of traffic norms and to keeping the emergency lanes open for fire engines, buses or ambulances.