Tourism, in search of a qualified workforce


Tourism, in search of a qualified workforce

Ekuinoksi pranveror, dita barazohet me natën
Maliq/Përplas karrocën dhe largohet nga vendngjarja
Kapshticë/Arrestohet në flagrancë 36-vjeçari që tentoi të kontrabandonte në Shqipëri, medikamente për të cilat kërkohet licencë.

Tourism is a key sector in the country’s economy, but one that is often challenged by labor shortages. In Durrës, this difficulty is felt especially during the periods of the tourist season when the demand for service is increasing.

The solution, tourist operators see mainly in the educational institutions of our country to ensure qualified workforce.

“It is an early request of ours, both for students and for vocational school students, who are a strong work arm in the tourist season.”

The increase in the number of foreign and domestic tourists has encouraged Hotel-Tourism structures to increase accommodation capacity, as well as to increase the standard of service.

“This year, all tourist structures have taken measures to increase capacities, to increase the standard of service, to hire more qualified workers.”

But are the tourist structures ready to receive the influx of tourists whose bookings have started since last year?

“I say that Albania is ready to handle any kind of tourist flow, considering the professional side that all tourists come with a reservation.”

Last season, Durrës was visited by a record number of foreign tourists, while the coming season is expected to bring even more.