Vangjush Dako requests the suspension of investigations


Vangjush Dako requests the suspension of investigations

Rogëcët e Pojanit: Një Pasuri e Trashëgimisë Kulturore dhe Historike
Korçë/Nga kontrollet e shtuara në subjekte të ndryshme, Policia konstaton një subjekt ku shiteshin lëndë piroteknike të kontrabanduara.
Greku vjen nga Londra me 15 mijë paund, paratë i sekuestrohen në Rinas

The Special Court heard this Friday the former mayor of Durres, Vangjush Dako, in the session where it is considering the request of SPAK to take him as a defendant.

Through the lawyer, he asked for the dismissal of the case and if this request is not accepted, to be judged by a summary trial.

Dako himself stated that the permit for the building for which he is accused was a collegial decision, while for the tender for the development of the coastline he asked SPAK to continue the investigations. The prosecution accuses Dako of abusing his duty in two cases.