The Presidency of ASH meeting with the academic staff of the Institute of Archeology and History for the work during this year


The Presidency of ASH meeting with the academic staff of the Institute of Archeology and History for the work during this year

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This year’s projects, the priorities and needs of the institutes were the focus of the meeting, which the leadership of the Academy of Sciences held with the academic staff of the Institute of Archeology and the Institute of History. The president of ASH acad. Skënder Gjinushi said that the purpose of these conversations, which will continue with other institutes of Albanianology, is to get to know each other’s thoughts and concerns, as part of a scientific community, especially with the priorities and needs of each institute for support for carrying out their duties now on the eve of taking decisions by the board of directors on the details of the annual budget, which, as it was foreseen, has come for them on its own. ASH states that scientific councils, having representatives from higher education institutions, will work more effectively, because openness always has its advantages both for decision-making and for strengthening the scientific debate. “The permanent commissions that have been set up according to the fields have already proven their role as a link of interaction of the ASSH in its task as the main coordinator of scientific activity throughout the country. The board of directors, which replaced the administrative board, brought decision-making from outside the institutes, since the ministry had the majority within them. The directors will jointly make decisions on the allocation of the budget according to work priorities”, the academy says on its website. In the addition made to the statute, according to ASH, the legal norms contained in the draft law on science, which was drafted with the cooperation of the academy, were applied. The meeting discussed the possibilities of training specialists in some knowledge without their knowledge, such as epigraphy and paleography; in the dead languages ​​of antiquity and the Middle Ages; for putting restoration laboratories into operation; etc. In this meeting acad. Adem Bunguri and prof. dr. Hamit Kaba, respectively head of the Institute of Archeology and the Institute of History, informed about the scientific projects of 2024.