Sheryl Sandberg steps down from Meta’s board of directors


Sheryl Sandberg steps down from Meta’s board of directors

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Meta’s chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, has stepped down from the company’s board of directors after 14 years of service.

Sandberg, one of the most successful women in the tech industry, said this felt like “the right time to leave.”

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has thanked her for her contributions, noting that she will continue to serve as an informal advisor to the company.

Sheryl Sandberg has been part of Meta since its inception until it became a profitable powerhouse that now includes Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

In addition to her contribution to the technology industry, she is also known for publishing the book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, where she expresses her feminist side.

She announced her departure from the company through a post on Facebook where she stated that her heart and mind are “full of gratitude and memories”.

Otherwise, Meta is facing new challenges as a result of social network regulations.

The increase in the number of Facebook users in key markets such as the US has caused its rival TikTok to face losses.