Romantic fantasies! At what period does the mind of women “go berserk”


Romantic fantasies! At what period does the mind of women “go berserk”

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Women have more sexual fantasies during their fertile days, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Lethbridge in Canada and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The study found that sexual fantasies increased more during their fertile days. Women also reported a higher proportion of men in their fantasies on fertile days of the month.

The researchers asked 27 heterosexual women who did not know each other, mostly students, to keep a fantasy journal for a month.

Study participants reported an average of 0.77 fantasies per day. On days of ovulation, it was noted that fantasies were 1.3 per day. Women also reported that these fantasies were more arousing compared to fantasies during infertile days.

In fact, during ovulation days, the percentage of men present in women’s fantasies reached 96%, indicating that fertility hormones influence women’s sexual interests.

“The message of the research is that psychologists should be more careful when studying women’s sexual desire. It is important to be aware of these changes in female sexuality when researching factors of female sexual interest. “The smallest things can make a big difference in the findings, even when they’re asked to answer a questionnaire or when sexual arousal is assessed,” said study author Samantha Dawson.