Çuçi gathers the SP group: On Thursday they will vote on the Protocol with Italy, we accept in principle the opposition’s proposals for Criminal Amnesty


Çuçi gathers the SP group: On Thursday they will vote on the Protocol with Italy, we accept in principle the opposition’s proposals for Criminal Amnesty

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Bledi Çuçi convened the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party today, as a planning session is expected to take place in the afternoon.

In the speech addressed to the majority deputies, Çuçi made a summary of the parliamentary agenda for the new week, as well as requested the participation of the deputies, especially in the session on Thursday, when several important agreements are expected to be passed, among them the Protocol with Italy for Cooperation in the field of Immigration.

Regarding the criminal amnesty, Çuçi said that if an agreement is reached with the opposition, this law will also be included in Thursday’s session.

He expressed his agreement in principle to expand the amnesty beneficiary base as proposed by the opposition. During the meeting, the Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, also expressed concern about the approval of this law without delay.