Autumn produce at salty prices in the winter market


Autumn produce at salty prices in the winter market

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The fall 2023 productions faced not only the vagaries of the weather, but also labor shortages.

The lack of workers left the olives on the trees

The olives are left on the trees in the plantations of Qesarat and Krahës in the Municipality of Memaliaj. With tens of hectares of olive trees, this area has made this area the best producer of olive oil, but this year they were left unharvested.

“People have planted olive trees, but they can’t afford them because only the third age is left here. This year, the oil market has increased. In our people, there is no labor force because the youth has gone. They remained unharvested. The lack of labor is a problem, those who are left demand 30-40 thousand per day. Labor force 50 years and older, let’s not say that there is none at all. People are leaving. We have over 10 ha of olive groves, the cost is high. The labor force here is only women and they have a problem to collect it”, said the farmers.

While the chairman of the Qesarat Administrative Unit said that the road infrastructure remains a concern.
“It is a legitimate concern in all administrative centers. There was production for years and no oil was sold. This year all the youth have emigrated, there is olive production but not as in previous years and the harvest is a problem. There is no labor force and it will remain useless. Those workers who are asking for a lot of money. This is a big concern. Many plots do not have a road for the machinery. Without a road, they have nowhere to take their production.” – Budjan Kapa.

The farmers said that this year the price of olive oil will double, dictated by the factories, which receive 10 thousand lek to process 1 quintal of olives into oil.
“The price of oil does not depend on us. It depends on the factory, on the collection”, said a farmer.

A year ago, wholesale olive oil was sold at 450 lek per liter, while this year it goes up to 1 thousand lek per liter.

Even in Troshan of Lezha, farmers complain about the lack of labor force. Although this year they are more satisfied with the amount of olive production, unlike many other areas of the country, the inability to harvest them has demoralized them.

“Yes, I have them ready with spraying and watering. I am satisfied with the production, but there is no one to pick it. Young people have fled to emigration”, said farmer Gjon Lazri.

While the farmer, Preç Ndoj, comments on the lack of production in other areas.

“I have heard of those who complain that there is no production, but this is due to the lack of services. when he does not see the tree for 12 months and goes only in the fall to harvest it, he does not produce grains. We are satisfied with the production because we provide continuous service”.

Thanks to abundant production, the price of olive oil remains the same as last year. It is currently being sold from 400 to 600 lek per liter, depending on the quality.

Cultivation of olives in Troshan of Lezha is an early tradition, where about 50 thousand roots are counted.

The olive harvesting and processing season has also started in Cakran of Fier, one of the most popular areas for this culture where there are 450 thousand olives.

This year’s production is 30% lower than last year, which is expected to lead to an increase in the price of both oil and table olives.

The extreme weather conditions this agricultural year have significantly reduced the yield. In addition to low production, olive growers also face other problems such as the increase in agricultural inputs, the lack of labor for harvesting or the high cost of agricultural machinery.

Although the quality of the oil is quite good, this does not justify the high trading price, which is currently 700 Lek per liter.