2024, “The Year of the Albanian Language”! Manastirliu: Investing in education remains a priority above priorities


2024, “The Year of the Albanian Language”! Manastirliu: Investing in education remains a priority above priorities

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Today, on International Education Day, the Minister of Education and Sports, Ogerta Manastirliu, announces the year 2024 as the “Year of the Albanian Language”.

This decision shows the importance that education and the Albanian language have in the development of national identity.

“Today is International Education Day! A day that draws attention to the importance of education as a bridge that conveys values ​​that unite nations, that fosters peace and progress between countries. Investing in education remains a priority above priorities. Through education, we can increase the country’s economic and social development, foster innovation and further support social cohesion. Education is the foundation of progress and in our schools we have all the right potential to move our country forward”, Minister Manastirliu says in her speech.

For the Year of the Albanian Language, the Ministry of Education and Sports has planned a series of activities at the national and nationwide level, which will include all schools in the country and in the diaspora.

“As the Minister of Education and Sports, we have decided that the year 2024 will be a year dedicated to the Albanian language. We will have a rich calendar of activities, with initiatives and projects that will start this year and also with projects that we finalize together in schools, universities, inside and outside the country, as well as with the participation of the Albanian diaspora in the world”. said Manastirliu, listing the most important activities of this calendar year dedicated to the preservation and enrichment of the Albanian language.

The activities will culminate on November 22 in the National Day of the Albanian Alphabet.

“We will have promotional activities in November for Albanian Alphabet Day, which for the first time will be an official holiday in 2024, that is, this year. Let’s never forget that language is not just a means of communication, but above all it is a symbol of our unity and renewing power as a nation”, Manastirliu said.